
Task hal.44 LKS

Activity 5 (LKS hal.44) 1. Theme of thebsong is strong ambition and hope 2. The song addressed to is for all, because the lyrics can be seen that the song was written for all the dreams of people in this world. 3. No matter what people say, but he belives that a million dreams keep him awake. He has a dream that can make you smile. 4. Think about how the world is vission seen. A million dreams are all that is needed. One million dreams for the world we will produce. 5. All dreams will come true with strong ambition. And there is no need to listen to all the words of those who hinder our dreams  Activity 6  1. Clue  I'm looking for clues on how to live healthy 2. Unknown Tiyo unknow that the bread is not hers 3. Safe  Radits use seat belts when driving to stay safe 4. Adore Because adore someone can forget everything 5. Photograph He was looking at my old photograph 6. Throw away Don't throw away garbage in the river 7. Down ...

Procedure Text and Explanation Text

1. The differences of Procedure Text and Explanation Text  Procedure Text This text type is commonly called as instruction text. It uses pattern of commend in building the structure. It use the “to infinitive verb” which is omitted the “to”. It is a kind of instruction text which uses full commend verb. Procedure is commonly used to describe how to make something which is close to our daily activity. For example how to make a cup of tea, how to make a good kite, etc is the best example of the procedure text. It is such word; first boil water, secondly prepare the cup, and so on. Explanation Text It is commonly used the passive voice in building the text. Explanation is such a scientific written material. It describes how certain phenomenon or event happen. How a tornado form, how tsunami works are the best example of explanation text. It uses passive pattern in describing the topic.  2. Procedur  Text How to make  sour turmeric  drinks ...
Read the following explanation text. Rewrite it using passive sentences. We can use vegetative propagation by cuttings (softwood and hardwood) and micropropagation, to grow new pomegranate trees which produce fruit identical to the parental tree. We can propagate pomegranates using both softwood or hardwood cuttings, but we most commonly use hardwood cuttings commercially. We take softwood cuttings from wood late in the season and they require mist and greenhouse conditions for rooting to occur. In contrast, we take hardwood cuttings from one year old wood or suckers, then trim and place them directly onto the nursery floor, where they grow for one vear prior to being transplanted with bare roots. Planting unrooted cuttings into the orchard floor establishes other pomegranate orchards, but we can also propagate under mist. Air layering parent plants and transplanting suckers are also effective methods of propagation. Answer : Vegetative propagation can be used by cuttings (sof...

The sentence which is underlined change to passive voice

Change to passive voice 1. I had read the novel     Answer : The novel had been read by me 2. I could not wait to watch the movie     Answer : The movie could not be waited to be                           watched by me  3. I found out that the cast of Dilan 1991     Answer : The cast of Dilan 1991 are found out                           by me 4. I would not miss this chance to meet my idol,          iqbaal    Answer : This chance wouldn't be missed to                              meet my idol, Iqbaal by me 5. Mostly teenagers, attended the even     Answer : The event is attended by mostly                    ...